Posted by writegrrrl on Sat, 03/01/2014 - 6:26pm
So, I've had this website and blog for nearly four years now and I've barely touched it. I still remember when I asked Ted Angel to build me a site, how urgent I felt about the matter. I needed a site now! I need the site yesterday! I needed it for posting my work, for networking. I'd use it to sell myself as a writer, I'd use it to archive the work of which I was most proud. I'd use it to just post random musings. You know, I'd use it for Internet-y things.
And then he built it and I was happy and I blogged once or twice. And then, nothing.
Sometimes he'd ask me how it was going and, embarrassed, I'd say I'd been busy, but just-you-wait-I'm-going-to-blog-regularly-soon-I-swear.
And then I didn't.
And truth is, I have been busy. With work, with school, with trying to write a book, with trying to have some sort of life.
But I've also missed blogging. At some point, I'll have Ted host my old site so that, just for kicks, I can access my 2000-era self.
Speaking of "self," this is kind of what this is all about.
Me. Me. Me.
I turned 44 in December and in the weeks since, I've been going through a bit of a mid-life crisis (more on that in future posts) and I've been trying to figure out how to deal with it.
I don't have money to buy a red sportscar and I'm far too responsible and uptight to quit my job, sell everything and backpack through Europe (that and I'd miss my cats too much) so, instead, I'm turning to other platforms of self-expression.
I recently joined the BlogHer community (I've followed the site for years) and just registered to attend BlogHer '14 in July.
I've also tasked myself with BlogHer's NaBloPoMo March challenge. This month's theme is to write on "self" and as it turns out I can pretty much talk about myself for days. What can I say, I'm a writer, I have issues, I have opinions and, if I'm going to be completely honest, I'm a bit of a narcissist (don't front, we all are).
So, self it is. More blogging to come. This time I mean it, for reals. No, really. OK, fine, we'll see.
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