
The things that scare us most

Last night we hung out with some friends and over the course of the night I had a long and possibly drunken conversation about the things that scare us most.

It came up because my friend was sharing a conversation she'd had with another friend about what their fears when it comes to death--i.e., what would be the worst way to die?

Writing while female, part one

Look, I know I said I'd blog daily in March but I didn't say it'd be quality. Too busy, so for now I'll just leave you with Buzzfeed's list of what women writers are sick of hearing.

Goodbye, Edith Piaf

You came down in late afternoon, bearing coffee and bags of sweets
That before your knock, I would have found unbearable

Edith Piaf played through the speakers like through a tin can

Predictable for a rainy day but because the first drop remained

We agreed: Perfection

In your face I saw the quietest of grief.
Soft and waiting.
But, also, joy.

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