
Does this depression make my butt look big?

NaBloPoMo March challenge. Completed.

The big (and little) reveals

One of this month's writing prompts asks the question "Do you feel like you reveal too much of yourself on your blog? Do you think you hold back too much?"

That's a tricky one. I do reveal quite a bit of myself on my blog--I've done so in some of my professional writing, too. Do I hold back too much?

I don't know; define "too much."

Quality hobbit time (alone but not lonely)

Oh good, today's writing prompt doesn't make me want to punch writing prompts in the face.

Do you enjoy being alone? What do you do when you're by yourself?

I'm an introvert and I love being alone. To a fault, perhaps.

To do: Make another list

Today's awkwardly worded prompt asks: What is your favorite personality trait that you possess?

After yesterday's post, I'll go with my ace ability to make hyper-intense self-reflective lists.


Today's NaBloPoMo prompt asks the question: "Benjamin Franklin said: There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond and to know one's self." Do you know yourself?

First though: "No, that's why I'm in therapy."

In which I corner you on the Internet and get all up in your personal space

OK, I want to keep blogging daily (really!) but I'm not sure if I can keep up with the writing prompts.

Nothing against the prompts, but they're requiring so much damn introspection that it's making me grumpy.

Which brings us to today's, which pretty much answers itself:

Self, selfie, selfiest

So, I've had this website and blog for nearly four years now and I've barely touched it. I still remember when I asked Ted Angel to build me a site, how urgent I felt about the matter. I needed a site now! I need the site yesterday! I needed it for posting my work, for networking.

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