
Obsessive compulsive listening, Courtney Barnett edition

Today in lieu of a real blog post (sorry, this month will probably see lots of, um, 'cheat' posts. It's November. I'm crazy busy, Also, sometimes, just lazy), I wanted to take a moment to insist you check out a song by one of my favorite current artists.

Seven things that maybe you didn't know about me (but maybe you did, who knows).

It's only been about three weeks since Transfinite Love tagged me to write a "7 Things You Don't Know About Me" post. I joked then that I'd get right on to procrastinating about it and, sure enough ...

Once more, with feeling -

It's been 11 (!) months since I tasked myself with BlogHer's NaBloPoMo challenge.

It's super noisy out there, so why write?

I'm writing this from a chilly conference room in San Jose, which at this particular point in time is home to the BlogHer14 conference. The subject: The Future of the Social Web.

The writing process: A self-interview (or why it took six weeks to write this post)

My good friend Sarah Stevenson* invited me to participate in this writing process blog tour a while back.

Actually, it was a month ago.

Wait, it was actually about six weeks ago.

Throwback Thursday, '90s Sacramento pop edition

Been browsing through SN&R archives recently and came across this, my very first story published in the paper.

Does this depression make my butt look big?

NaBloPoMo March challenge. Completed.

The big (and little) reveals

One of this month's writing prompts asks the question "Do you feel like you reveal too much of yourself on your blog? Do you think you hold back too much?"

That's a tricky one. I do reveal quite a bit of myself on my blog--I've done so in some of my professional writing, too. Do I hold back too much?

I don't know; define "too much."

The #AmtrakRedsidency application process is (hopefully) a work-in-progress

Ever since writer Jessica Gross' random tweet earned her a residency with Amtrak, the Internet's been clamoring for the railway company to make it official.

In which I corner you on the Internet and get all up in your personal space

OK, I want to keep blogging daily (really!) but I'm not sure if I can keep up with the writing prompts.

Nothing against the prompts, but they're requiring so much damn introspection that it's making me grumpy.

Which brings us to today's, which pretty much answers itself:

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