Curriculum Vitae
M.F.A., Creative Writing
Mills College, Oakland, Ca, December 2004
B.A., double major in Journalism / Communication (media emphasis)
California State University, Sacramento, Ca., June 1995
Professional writing:
News stories, features and reviews in the Sacramento News & Review covering politics, technology, digital trends and social media, social issues, gender, pop culture, sports and arts and entertainment between 1994-2000 and June 2009-present.
News stories, features and reviews in The Sacramento Bee, covering breaking news politics, technology, digital trends and social media, social issues, gender, pop culture and arts and entertainment between May 2000 and June 2009.
Stories, reviews and analysis for and, covering technology, social media and digital trends between October 2011 and May 2012.
Profiles and features for Mills Quarterly, the alumni magazine of Mills College, between June 2009-June 2011.
Profiles and album reviews for Pop Culture Press, a bi-monthly music and entertainment magazine, between May 2000 and June 2004
Breaking news, profiles and reviews for Allstar Music Magazine between January 1997 June 1999.
Technology reviews for Playboy magazine, 1995
Teaching Experience:
Adjunct Professor in Journalism / Journalism Department, Sacramento City College, Sacramento, Ca. August 2010-present
Adjunct Professor in English, Languages & Literature Department, Sacramento City College, Sacramento, Ca.
January 2008-August 2010, Adjunct Professor in English, Department of Humanities & Social Science, Cosumnes River College, Sacramento, Ca, January 2010-May 2010
Research presentation:
Feature writing, presentation at Journalism Association of California Colleges, March 2009.
Writing about pop culture, presentation at Journalism Association of California Colleges, March 2007.
Feature writing with voice, presentation at Journalism Association of California Colleges, April 2005
Service to the Discipline:
Panelist, Review writing, Sacramento Press, May 12, 2011
Consultant, GiantInk a Sacramento-based literacy group, 2005-2006
Writing tutor and volunteer, 826 Valencia, June 2004
Professional Overview:
The Sacramento News & Review (90,000+ circulation), Sacramento, CA. July 2012-present
Arts and Culture editor / staff writer
The Sacramento News & Review (90,000+ circulation), Sacramento, CA. June 2009-July 2012
Staff writer / critic
The Sacramento Bee (300,000+ circulation), Sacramento, Ca. May 2000 to March 2009
Associate arts editor
The Sacramento News & Review (90,000+ circulation), Sacramento, CA. January 1999-May 2000
Staff writer
Allstar Music Magazine (online), New York, NY, January 1998-May 1998
Music editor/staff writer
The Sacramento News & Review (90,000+ circulation), Sacramento, CA. January 1996-January 1999
Professional recognition
Second place, feature writing, California Newspaper Publishers Association, Default! 2012
Honorable Mention, feature writing, AAN, Default! 2012
First Place, long feature, Society of Professional Journalists (Northern California), Teenage Riot, 1997
Second Place, short feature, Best of the West, Bikinis Kill, 1997